Freebie: Hand-drawn flowers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Robin asked about my first scrap flowers freebie.
Well, I've been thinking if I should offer it as a freebie or not.
It's something completely original and 100% made by me, since it is a hand-drawn flower which I scanned, fixed in PSP and recolored.
I've seen so many same elements going around from blog to blog, not sure if those identical bows etc, were made using a tutorial or not; but hey I am trying to be original and make my own things.
Surely, from time to time I use shapes and plugins and stuff but I also like to make something completely different than everybody else does. Ok sure, I can tube jewelry or bows and ribbons and offer them as elements but that is not original and not my own creation.
My blog is still new and unknown but I hope that those who are looking for original items will enjoy what I have to offer :)
So, without any further ado, here is a preview of my hand-drawn flowers:

Please leave some love and do not share my download link; instead share my blog link.

Download here.


Anonymous said...

thanks, i love this flowers.

CraftFairy said...

These are awesome. Something different! TFS

Anonymous said...

These are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing your very original creations!

laura97432 said...

thanks sooo much!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your wonderful talent...thankyou for the flowers...