Monday, June 23, 2008
This time the .rar file includes not only a .psp file of the quick page so that you can move things around but it also includes a .png file :)
Download here.
scrapped by Night Sky Kisses at 12:03
Labels autumn, freebies, quickpages
Please remember that all creations you find on this blog are my property and retain my copyright. My T.O.U. is included along with my creations in the .rar or .zip file you download. Please respect my terms.
- Most of the scrap items I create are for people who create stationery, tags, wallpapers and such so the size is rather small. These items are not designed to be used for traditional scrap booking needs because of their size.
- Recently I started making bigger graphics of 300ppi that can also be used for traditional scrap booking as well.
- All items are created with Paint Shop Pro.
My older creations are in .psp format because .png images used to make my Windows Explorer nuts and .psd files are simply extremely HUGE and all my hard disks are already full enough.
- Now my images are in .png format so they can be used in other graphic programs too.
Please do NOT share my download links; share my blog link instead.
My downloads are all active so there is no need for anyone to re-upload my files. Please do not do that.
I do NOT allow the use of my creations along with images of artists who belong to the mypsptubes company.
Thank you.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 23 Jun [LA 12:38am, NY 02:38am, UK 07:38am, OZ 05:38pm]).
You've been tagged!
These are the rules:
Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random & some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
hugs, Melissa
Sentimental Style
Thank you so much for sharing your creations! I'm very new to scrapbooking and found your link in someone else's blog.
I really like all your kits and other freebies and can't wait to try them out. I will also include your link in my resources page that I'm working on.
Have a wonderful day and a great rest of the week.
Best wishes from Germany,
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